
Meaning and Usage

"Gehören" means "to belong" in English. It is commonly used to indicate possession or ownership, as in "Das Buch gehört mir" (The book belongs to me) or to express that something is a necessary part of something else, as in "Zu einem guten Frühstück gehört auch frischer Saft" (Fresh juice is also part of a good breakfast).

Linguistic Analysis

The word "gehören" is a verb. It is a combination of the prefix "ge-" and the root "hören" (to hear). The "ge-" prefix indicates that the action is completed or perfect, and "hören" means "to hear." Therefore, "gehören" conveys the idea of something "hearing" its place, so to speak, or being a part of something.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "gehören" is similar to the English word "to belong," both in meaning and usage.

Cultural Context

In German culture, the concept of "gehören" extends beyond possession and ownership. It can also be used to express social belonging or fitting in, as in "Du gehörst zu uns" (You belong with us).

Example Sentences

  1. Das Haus gehört meiner Familie. (The house belongs to my family.)
  2. Der Spaß gehört zum Leben dazu. (Fun is part of life.)
  3. Diese Entscheidung gehört gut überlegt. (This decision needs careful consideration.)

Memory Tips

Associate "gehören" with the idea of "hearing" something's place or presence, and how it is an essential part of something else.

Additional Vocabulary

  • besitzen (to possess)
  • zugehören (to belong to, to be associated with)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich gehöre (I belong)
  • Du gehörst (You belong)
  • Er/Sie/Es gehört (He/She/It belongs)
  • Wir gehören (We belong)
  • Ihr gehört (You belong - plural)
  • Sie gehören (They belong)