
Meaning and Usage

"Stamm" in German can have several meanings, including "tribe," "stem," or "trunk." It can refer to a group of people sharing common ancestry, a linguistic family, or the main part of a plant. Additionally, "Stamm" can also mean "membership" or "loyalty" to a group or organization.

Linguistic Analysis

"Stamm" is a masculine noun in German. It has no prefix or suffix and its etymology can be traced back to the Old High German word "stam," meaning "tree trunk" or "tribe."

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "Stamm" can be translated to "tribe" or "stem" in English, depending on the context.

Cultural Context

In a historical context, "Stamm" can refer to ancient tribes or ethnic groups. In a contemporary context, it can also relate to membership in organizations, such as a gym or a club.

Example Sentences

  1. Der Stamm lebt in den Bergen.
  2. Die Mitglieder des Stammes treffen sich regelmäßig.
  3. Der Stamm des Baumes ist sehr stark.

Memory Tips

Associate "Stamm" with the image of a tribal community or the trunk/stem of a plant to help remember its various meanings.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Der Stammbaum (family tree)
  • Die Stammesgeschichte (tribal history)
  • Der Baumstamm (tree trunk)

Gender and Plural

Gender: Masculine Plural: die Stämme


N/A (since "Stamm" is a noun)