
Meaning and Usage

"Grillen" in German means "to barbecue" or "to grill". It refers to the act of cooking food on a grill, usually outdoors, especially during the summer months.

Linguistic Analysis

"Grillen" is a verb derived from the noun "Grill" (grill). It is an inflected verb and belongs to the regular verb category.

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "grillen" is similar to the English word "to grill", both referring to the method of cooking over a grill.

Cultural Context

Barbecuing or grilling is a popular social activity in German culture, especially during the warmer months. It is often associated with gatherings of friends and family.

Example Sentences

  • Wir werden am Wochenende grillen. (We will barbecue/grill on the weekend.)
  • Er grillt gerne Fisch und Gemüse. (He likes to grill fish and vegetables.)

Memory Tips

Associate "grillen" with the English word "grill" and the activity of outdoor cooking. Visualizing a grill and the act of grilling can help in remembering the meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

  • der Grill (the grill)
  • das Grillgut (the barbecue/grill food)
  • die Grillparty (the barbecue/grill party)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

N/A (since "grillen" is a verb)

Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich grille (I grill)
  • du grillst (you grill)
  • er/sie/es grillt (he/she/it grills)
  • wir grillen (we grill)
  • ihr grillt (you all grill)
  • sie grillen (they grill)