die Anmeldung

Meaning and Usage

"Die Anmeldung" in German refers to the act of registering or signing up for something, such as an event, course, or service. It can also refer to the registration form or process itself.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Anmeldung" is a compound noun in German, consisting of the prefix "an-" (indicating a sense of movement towards or direction) and "Meldung" (reporting or announcement). The word's structure reflects its meaning, as it involves the act of notifying or reporting oneself for a particular purpose.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Anmeldung" translates to "registration" or "sign-up" in English. Both languages use this word to refer to the act of enrolling or entering information for participation in an event or service.

Cultural Context

In Germany, "die Anmeldung" is commonly used in various contexts, such as registering for a language course, signing up for a seminar, or completing administrative procedures, like registering a change of address with the city authorities.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich habe die Anmeldung für den Deutschkurs bereits ausgefüllt. (I have already filled out the registration form for the German course.)

  2. Die Anmeldung für die Konferenz ist bis morgen möglich. (The registration for the conference is possible until tomorrow.)

Memory Tips

To remember "Anmeldung," you can think of it as the "reporting in" process, where you notify your intent to participate or enroll in something.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Registrierung (feminine, registration)
  • anmelden (verb, to register/sign up)
  • abmelden (verb, to deregister/unsubscribe)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

Gender: feminine Plural: die Anmeldungen

Conjugation (for verbs)

N/A (Anmeldung is a noun, not a verb)