
Meaning and Usage

"Muss" means "must" or "have to" in English. It denotes an obligation or necessity to do something.

Linguistic Analysis

"Muss" is a modal verb and has its roots in the Old High German word "muoz."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "muss" is similar to the English word "must" in both meaning and usage.

Example Sentences

  • Ich muss zum Arzt gehen. (I have to go to the doctor.)
  • Du musst das Buch heute lesen. (You must read the book today.)

Memory Tips

Think of "muss" as "must" to remember its meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

Related words: müssen (to have to), Pflicht (duty), erforderlich (required)


  • Ich muss (I must)
  • Du musst (you must)
  • Er/sie/es muss (he/she/it must)
  • Wir müssen (we must)
  • Ihr müsst (you must pl.)
  • Sie müssen (they must)