
Meaning and Usage

"Vertreten" in German means "to represent" or "to substitute for," as well as "to support" or "to defend." It is commonly used in the context of representing someone or something, standing in for someone, or advocating for a particular position.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "vertreten" is a verb in its infinitive form. It is a compound word, consisting of the prefix "ver-" and the root "treten." The prefix "ver-" often indicates a change, completion, or intensification of the action. The root "treten" means "to step" or "to tread." Therefore, "vertreten" can be understood as "to step in for" or "to represent through action."

Comparisons between German and English

In both German and English, "vertreten" and "to represent" share the same meaning regarding acting on behalf of someone or something. The word "substitute" can also be equated to "vertreten" in certain contexts.

Cultural Context

In German culture, "vertreten" is commonly used in business, politics, and legal contexts, where individuals or entities are represented or defended by others. In sports, "vertreten" can also be used to indicate substituting for another player or standing in for someone else in a competition.

Example Sentences

  1. Er vertritt die Firma bei der Verhandlung. (He represents the company in the negotiation.)
  2. Die Anwältin verteidigt ihren Mandanten vor Gericht. (The lawyer defends her client in court.)
  3. Ich kann dich vertreten, wenn du krank bist. (I can substitute for you if you are sick.)

Memory Tips

  • Think of "vertreten" as "stepping in for" or "representing" someone or something.
  • Associate "vertreten" with the idea of "standing up for" or "defending" a position or person.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: repräsentieren (to represent), ersetzen (to substitute), verteidigen (to defend)
  • Antonyms: aufgeben (to give up), verraten (to betray), zurückweisen (to reject)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich vertrete (I represent)
  • Du vertrittst (