
Meaning and Usage

"Eingeben" means "to enter" or "to input" in German. It is used when referring to entering data, information, or commands into a computer, machine, or system. It can also be used more generally to mean "to input" in various contexts.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "eingeben" is a verb in German. It is a combination of the prefix "ein-" (meaning "in" or "into") and the verb "geben" (meaning "to give"). When combined, "eingeben" literally translates to "to give in" or "to put in."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "eingeben" is similar in meaning to the English word "to input" or "to enter" when used in the context of providing data or information into a system.

Cultural Context

In the context of technology and computer systems, "eingeben" is a commonly used word in German. It is frequently used when describing the action of entering information into a computer or digital device.

Example Sentences

  1. Bitte geben Sie Ihr Passwort ein. (Please enter your password.)
  2. Ich muss die Daten in das System eingeben. (I have to input the data into the system.)

Memory Tips

You can remember the meaning of "eingeben" by associating it with the idea of "giving in" or "putting in" information or commands into a system or device.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Eingabe (the input)
  • die Daten eingeben (to enter data)
  • die Tastatur eingeben (to type on the keyboard)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

N/A (eingeben is a verb and doesn't have a gender or plural form)

Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich gebe ein (I enter)
  • du gibst ein (you enter)
  • er/sie/es gibt ein (he/she/it enters)
  • wir geben ein (we enter)
  • ihr gebt ein (you enter)
  • sie geben ein (they enter)