die Unterschrift

Meaning and Usage

"Die Unterschrift" in German refers to the signature, the act of signing one's name as a form of authentication or approval, usually on a document or a piece of paper.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Unterschrift" is a compound noun in German, composed of "unter" (under) and "Schrift" (writing). Its etymology stems from the idea of "writing below," indicating the placement of the signature below the written content of a document.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "signature" in English shares a similar meaning to "Unterschrift," demonstrating the parallel between the two languages in terms of this concept.

Cultural Context

In German culture, the "Unterschrift" holds legal importance in various aspects such as contracts, official documents, and agreements.

Example Sentences

  • Ich brauche Ihre Unterschrift unter diesem Vertrag. (I need your signature on this contract.)
  • Die Unterschrift ist auf dem Formular erforderlich. (The signature is required on the form.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Unterschrift" with the idea of "writing under" to help remember its meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Signatur (signature)
  • Der Vertrag (contract)
  • Das Dokument (document)

Gender and Plural

Gender: feminine Plural: die Unterschriften


Not applicable as "Unterschrift" is a noun.