
Meaning and Usage

"Halb" in German means "half" and is used to indicate that something is divided into two equal parts or that something is half the amount or size of a whole.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "halb" does not have any prefixes or suffixes as it is an adverb or an adjective in its basic form. It is derived from the Old High German word "halp."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "halb" is similar to the English word "half" in both meaning and usage.

Cultural Context

In German culture, the concept of time is often indicated using "halb" to express half past the hour. For example, "halb eins" means "half past twelve."

Example Sentences

  • Die Pizza ist schon halb gegessen. (The pizza is already half eaten.)
  • Wir treffen uns um halb acht. (We are meeting at half past seven.)

Memory Tips

Remember that "halb" is similar to "half" in English, indicating a division or the concept of half of something.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Hälfte - half
  • halbieren - to halve

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

"halb" does not have gender or plural forms as it is an adverb or an adjective.

Conjugation (for verbs)