der Ausländer

Meaning and Usage

"Der Ausländer" in German refers to "the foreigner" or "the outsider." It is commonly used to refer to someone who is from another country and is residing or visiting a different country.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Ausländer" is a compound noun, consisting of the prefix "aus-" meaning "out" and the noun "Länder" meaning "countries." The combination forms "Ausländer" which directly translates to "out-country" in English.

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "Ausländer" directly translates to the English word "foreigner." Both words have the same core meaning and usage.

Cultural Context

The use of the word "Ausländer" is significant in discussing topics related to immigration, multiculturalism, and international relations.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Ausländer müssen sich an die örtlichen Gesetze halten. (The foreigners must adhere to the local laws.)
  2. Ich bin Ausländer in diesem Land. (I am a foreigner in this country.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Ausländer" with the idea of someone being "outside" or "out of" their own country.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Fremde (the stranger)
  • der Einwanderer (the immigrant)
  • der Immigrant (the immigrant)

Gender and Plural

Gender: masculine Plural: die Ausländer