
Meaning and Usage

"Ziel" in German translates to "goal" or "target" in English. It can refer to a physical destination or an objective to be reached. The word is commonly used in the context of setting goals, achieving aims, or reaching a specific point or purpose.

Linguistic Analysis

"Ziel" is a noun in German and does not contain a prefix or suffix. Its etymology can be traced back to the Old High German word "zīl," meaning "end" or "goal."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Ziel" in German is similar to the English word "goal" in both meaning and usage.

Cultural Context

In German culture, setting and achieving "Ziele" (plural form) is highly valued, whether in personal, professional, or academic aspects.

Example Sentences

  • Mein Ziel ist es, fließend Deutsch zu sprechen. (My goal is to speak fluent German.)
  • Sie erreichte ihr Ziel und gewann die Goldmedaille. (She reached her target and won the gold medal.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "Ziel," associate it with the English word "goal" and think of aiming at a target.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Mission (f) - mission
  • Die Absicht (f) - intention
  • Der Plan (m) - plan

Gender and Plural

"Ziel" is neuter (das Ziel) and its plural form is "Ziele."


N/A (as "Ziel" is a noun, so it does not have a conjugated form)