
Meaning and Usage

"Tür" translates to "door" in English. It refers to a hinged, sliding, or revolving barrier at the entrance of a building, room, cupboard, or vehicle that can be opened or closed to allow or prevent access.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Tür" does not have any prefixes or suffixes. Its etymology can be traced back to the Old High German word "turi," which has the same meaning.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Tür" is similar to its English counterpart "door" in both meaning and usage.

Cultural Context

Doors hold significant cultural symbolism in many societies, representing opportunities, transitions, privacy, and security.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Tür ist geschlossen. (The door is closed.)
  2. Klopf bitte an der Tür, bevor du reinkommst. (Please knock on the door before you come in.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Tür" with the English word "door," and visualize yourself opening or closing a door to reinforce the connection.

Additional Vocabulary

Related words: die Eingangstür (front door), die Zimmertür (room door), die Schiebetür (sliding door) Synonyms: das Eingangsportal (entrance), das Tor (gate) Antonyms: das Fenster (window)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

Gender: feminine - die Tür Plural: die Türen

Conjugation (for verbs)