
Meaning and Usage

"Teuer" in German means "expensive" and is used to describe something that has a high cost or price.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "teuer" does not have any prefix or suffix and comes from the Middle High German "tiure" and Old High German "tiuri," ultimately derived from the Proto-Germanic "tiwur."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "teuer" is related to the English word "dear," which originally meant "precious" or "high in price," and still retains this meaning in phrases like "dear to my heart."

Cultural Context

Germans often use the word "teuer" to express their feelings about the cost of living, products, or services, reflecting the country's economic realities.

Example Sentences

  • Das Kleid ist sehr teuer. (The dress is very expensive.)
  • Die Miete in dieser Stadt ist zu teuer. (The rent in this city is too expensive.)

Memory Tips

Associate "teuer" with the idea that expensive things can make you feel a bit "tear-y" or upset about the price.

Additional Vocabulary

  • billig (cheap)
  • kosten (to cost)
  • Luxus (luxury)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

"Teuer" is an adjective and does not have gender or plural forms.

Conjugation (for verbs)

As "teuer" is an adjective, it doesn't have a conjugated form.