
Meaning and Usage

"Weiß" in German means "white" and is used to describe the color white. It can also be used as the verb "to know" in some contexts.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "weiß" is an adjective in its basic form, describing the color "white." It does not have a prefix or suffix and is derived from the Old High German word "wīz." As a verb, "weiß" is the first person singular form (ich) of the verb "wissen," which means "to know."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "weiß" in German directly translates to "white" in English. However, it also has the additional meaning of "to know" as a verb, which differs from its English counterpart.

Cultural Context

In German culture, the color white can symbolize purity, innocence, and cleanliness. It is often associated with weddings and is used in various cultural traditions.

Example Sentences

  1. Das Haus ist weiß. (The house is white.)
  2. Ich weiß nicht. (I do not know.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "weiß," think of it as "wise" which sounds similar to "weiß" and can help you remember that "weiß" is also used to mean "to know."

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: blank, bleich (pale)
  • Antonyms: schwarz (black)
  • Related words: Weißheit (wisdom), Weißbier (wheat beer)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

Gender: "weiß" is not a noun, but an adjective. In German, adjectives do not have gender. Plural: The plural form of "weiß" is "weiße" when used as an adjective.

Conjugation (for verbs)

Verb: wissen (to know)

  • Ich weiß (I know)
  • Du weißt (You know)
  • Er/sie/es weiß (He/she/it knows)
  • Wir wissen (We know)
  • Ihr wisst (You know - plural)
  • Sie wissen (They know)
  • Sie wissen (You know - formal)