
Meaning and Usage

"Wann" is a question word in German, meaning "when." It is used to inquire about the time or the occurrence of an event.

Linguistic Analysis

"Wann" is a standalone question word and does not have any prefixes, roots, or suffixes. Its usage can be traced back to Middle High German and Old High German.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "wann" in German has a direct counterpart in English, "when," serving the same function as a question word.

Cultural Context

In German culture, punctuality is highly valued, so the use of "wann" inquiring about the time of a meeting or event is quite common.

Example Sentences

  • Wann kommst du nach Hause? (When are you coming home?)
  • Wann hast du Geburtstag? (When is your birthday?)

Memory Tips

Associate "wann" with the English word "when" to remember its meaning and usage.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Since "wann" is a question word, it can be used in conjunction with verbs and other question words to form complex questions, such as:
    • Warum (why)
    • Wo (where)
    • Wie (how)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

"Wann" is not a noun, so it does not have a gender or a plural form.

Conjugation (for verbs)

"Wann" is not a verb, so it does not have a conjugation.