
Meaning and Usage

"Erzählen" means "to tell" or "to narrate" in German. It is used to describe the act of recounting a story or sharing information with others in a narrative form.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "erzählen" is a verb and is derived from the root "zählen" (to count) with the prefix "er-" added to indicate a change or completion of an action.

Comparisons between German and English

The English word "to tell" is a suitable translation for "erzählen" in most contexts. Both words are used to convey the act of narrating or recounting information.

Cultural Context

"Erzählen" is a fundamental part of German culture, as storytelling has been an integral aspect of German literature and tradition for centuries. It is often used in the context of sharing personal experiences or fictional narratives.

Example Sentences

  1. Sie erzählte mir eine spannende Geschichte. (She told me an exciting story.)
  2. Kannst du uns von deiner Reise erzählen? (Can you tell us about your trip?)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "erzählen," think of the English word "to tell" and how it relates to recounting a story or sharing information.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Geschichte (the story)
  • der Bericht (the report)
  • die Erzählung (the narration)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich erzähle (I tell)
  • Du erzählst (You tell)
  • Er/Sie/Es erzählt (He/She/It tells)
  • Wir erzählen (We tell)
  • Ihr erzählt (You tell - plural)
  • Sie erzählen (They tell)