
Meaning and Usage

"Endlich" in German translates to "finally" or "at last" in English. It is used to express relief or satisfaction when something desired or awaited happens after a long period of time.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "endlich" is an adverb in German. It is derived from the root "Ende" which means "end" and the suffix "-lich" which is used to form adverbs.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "endlich" has a similar meaning to the English word "finally." Both are used to express the occurrence of something after a period of waiting or anticipation.

Cultural Context

Germans often use "endlich" to express relief or excitement when something anticipated has finally occurred, such as the arrival of an important event or the resolution of a problem.

Example Sentences

  • Wir haben endlich unseren Urlaub gebucht. (We finally booked our vacation.)
  • Endlich habe ich die Prüfung bestanden. (I finally passed the exam.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "endlich," think of it as a relief when something comes to an "end" or "finally" happens after a wait.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: schließlich (eventually), letztendlich (ultimately)
  • Antonyms: zuerst (first), anfangs (initially)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)