
Meaning and Usage

"Politisch" in German means "political" and is used to describe anything related to politics, such as political parties, movements, or views.

Linguistic Analysis

"Politisch" is an adjective in German. It derives from the noun "Politik" (politics) and the suffix "-isch," which is used to form adjectives from nouns.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "politisch" in German is very similar to its English equivalent "political" in both meaning and usage.

Cultural Context

Understanding the word "politisch" is important in a German-speaking context whether discussing current events, historical analysis, or social issues.

Example Sentences

  • Die politische Lage in unserem Land ist sehr instabil. (The political situation in our country is very unstable.)
  • Sie hat politische Ansichten, die ich nicht teile. (She has political views that I do not share.)

Memory Tips

Try associating "politisch" with the word "political" to remember its meaning and usage.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Politik (politics)
  • Der Politiker / Die Politikerin (politician)
  • Die politische Partei (political party)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

"Politisch" is an adjective and does not have a gender or plural form.

Conjugation (for verbs)

Not applicable as "politisch" is an adjective.