
Meaning and Usage

gewesen is the past participle of the verb sein (to be) and is used to indicate a state of having been or having existed in the past.

Linguistic Analysis

gewesen is a past participle formed from the verb sein without any additional prefixes or suffixes. Both gewesen and sein have their origins in Middle High German and Old High German.

Comparisons between German and English

The German word gewesen corresponds to the English word "been," reflecting a similarity in usage as the past participle of the verb "to be."

Example Sentences

  1. Ich bin gestern im Kino gewesen. (I have been to the cinema yesterday.)
  2. Warst du schon einmal in Berlin gewesen? (Have you ever been to Berlin?)

Memory Tips

Associate gewesen with the English word "been," highlighting their similarity in usage as the past participle of the verb "to be."

Additional Vocabulary

  • Sein (to be)
  • Gegangen (gone)