
Meaning and Usage

"Unterschiedlich" in German means "different" or "varying." It is used to describe things that are not the same, or to express variations or differences between objects or people.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "unterschiedlich" is derived from the prefix "unter-" meaning "under" or "between," and the root "schiedlich" coming from the verb "scheiden" which means "to separate" or "to distinct." Therefore, "unterschiedlich" essentially means "under-separated" or "distinct."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "unterschiedlich" in German corresponds to the English word "different" or "varying."

Cultural Context

Understanding and using "unterschiedlich" is essential for expressing thoughts and opinions in German, as well as for understanding variations and differences in everyday life, such as in descriptions of people, places, or things.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Meinungen über den Film waren sehr unterschiedlich. (The opinions about the movie were very different.)
  2. Wir haben unterschiedliche Interessen. (We have different interests.)

Memory Tips

Associate "unterschiedlich" with the English word "different." Create sentences using the word to solidify its usage in memory.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: verschieden, divers, anders
  • Related Words: die Unterschiede (the differences), die Abweichung (the deviation)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

As "unterschiedlich" is an adjective, it does not have a gender or plural form.

Conjugation (for verbs)

Not applicable.