
Meaning and Usage

"Zoll" in German translates to "customs" or "duty" in English. It refers to the tax or duty placed on goods being imported or exported. Additionally, "Zoll" can also refer to a unit of measurement commonly used for the length, about 2.54 centimeters, similar to an inch in English.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Zoll" has its roots in the Old High German "zol" and the Middle High German "zolle," ultimately originating from the Latin "zona" meaning "girdle" or "belt."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Zoll" shares similarity with the English word "toll" in terms of sound, but the meanings are different.

Cultural Context

In German-speaking countries, dealing with customs and duties is a significant aspect of international trade and travel, making "Zoll" a relevant and essential word in these contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Waren müssen beim Zoll deklariert werden. (The goods must be declared at customs.)
  2. Die Maßeinheit Zoll wird in den USA verwendet. (The unit of measurement 'Zoll' is used in the USA.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "Zoll," you can associate it with the concept of "customs" and think of the "Z" in "Zoll" standing for "Zollamt" (customs office).

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Zollabfertigung (customs clearance)
  • der Zollbeamte/die Zollbeamtin (customs officer)
  • verzollen (to declare at customs)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

Noun: der Zoll (masculine) Plural: die Zölle

Conjugation (for verbs)

Not applicable.