
Meaning and Usage

"Arbeit" translates to "work" or "job" in English. It refers to the physical or mental effort done in order to achieve a task or produce something.

Linguistic Analysis

"Arbeit" is a feminine noun in German. It is derived from the Old High German word "arabeit," which originated from the Latin word "labor."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Arbeit" has the same meaning and usage as the English words "work" or "job" and is used in similar contexts to describe tasks and employment.

Cultural Context

The concept of "Arbeit" holds significant cultural importance in German society, reflecting the country's strong work ethic and emphasis on productivity.

Example Sentences

  1. Sie hat viel Arbeit zu tun. (She has a lot of work to do.)
  2. Arbeit macht das Leben sinnvoll. (Work gives meaning to life.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "Arbeit," think of the word "Arbeit" with the English word "effort" to associate it with the concept of work and effort.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Related words: Arbeitsplatz (workplace), arbeitslos (unemployed)
  • Synonyms: Tätigkeit, Beschäftigung (activity, occupation)
  • Antonyms: Freizeit, Urlaub (leisure, vacation)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

"Arbeit" is a feminine noun with the plural form "Arbeiten."