
Meaning and Usage

The word "mitbringen" in German means "to bring along" or "to bring with". It is used to describe the action of bringing something along to a place or an event.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "mitbringen" is a combination of the prefix "mit-" which means "with" or "along", and the verb "bringen" which means "to bring". It follows the regular conjugation pattern for regular verbs in German.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "mitbringen" can be translated to "to bring along" or "to bring with" in English. The structure of the word is similar to its English equivalent, with the prefix "mit-" having a similar meaning.

Cultural Context

In German culture, it is customary to bring along a small gift or something to contribute when invited to someone's home. The verb "mitbringen" is frequently used in this context.

Example Sentences

  • Kannst du bitte eine Flasche Wein mitbringen? (Can you please bring along a bottle of wine?)
  • Meine Schwester hat mir eine Überraschung mitgebracht. (My sister brought a surprise with her.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "mitbringen", think of the "mit-" prefix as "with" or "along", and "bringen" as "to bring". This can help reinforce the idea of bringing something along.

Additional Vocabulary

  • mitnehmen (to take along)
  • hinzufügen (to add)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich bringe mit (I bring along)
  • Du bringst mit (You bring along)
  • Er/sie/es bringt mit (He/she/it brings along)
  • Wir bringen mit (We bring along)
  • Ihr bringt mit (You bring along - plural)
  • Sie bringen mit (They bring along)