
Meaning and Usage

"Mitmachen" in German means "to participate" or "to join in." It is often used in the context of joining an activity, event, or group and actively taking part in it.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "mitmachen" is a combination of the prefix "mit-" meaning "with" and the verb "machen" meaning "to do" or "to make."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "mitmachen" has a direct equivalent in English, "to participate" or "to join in."

Cultural Context

"Mitmachen" reflects the German value of community and participation. It is commonly used in the context of group activities, teamwork, and events.

Example Sentences

  • Ich möchte gerne beim Theaterstück mitmachen. (I would like to participate in the play.)
  • Sie will bei der Diskussion mitmachen. (She wants to join in the discussion.)

Memory Tips

Associate "mitmachen" with "machen" to remember that it involves "doing" something with others, emphasizing the idea of participation.

Additional Vocabulary

  • teilnehmen (to take part)
  • sich beteiligen (to get involved)
  • teilhaben (to share in)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

"Mitmachen" is a verb and does not have a gender or plural form.

Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich mache mit (I participate)
  • du machst mit (you participate)
  • er/sie/es macht mit (he/she/it participates)
  • wir machen mit (we participate)
  • ihr macht mit (you all participate)
  • sie machen mit (they participate)