
Meaning and Usage

"Schwer" means "heavy" or "difficult" in German. It is used to describe something that has a high weight or something that is hard to do or understand.

Linguistic Analysis

"Schwer" is an adjective. It does not have a prefix, and it is derived from the Old High German word "swar."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "schwer" is similar to the English word "heavy" in terms of its meaning.

Cultural Context

In German, "schwer" can be used not only to describe the physical weight of an object but also metaphorically to convey the difficulty of a situation or task.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Kiste ist sehr schwer. (The box is very heavy.)
  2. Es ist schwer, diese Mathematikaufgabe zu lösen. (It is difficult to solve this math problem.)

Memory Tips

Associate "schwer" with "sweating hard" to remember that it can mean "difficult."

Additional Vocabulary

Related words: schwierig (difficult), Gewicht (weight)