der Flughafen

Meaning and Usage

"Der Flughafen" in German means "the airport" in English. It refers to a place where aircraft take off and land, equipped with facilities for passengers.

Linguistic Analysis

"Flughafen" is a compound word, with "Flug" meaning "flight" and "Hafen" meaning "port" or "harbor". Therefore, "Flughafen" can be understood as a "flight-harbor" or a place for flights.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Flughafen" directly translates to "airport" in English, though it literally means "flight-harbor" in German.

Cultural Context

Germany is known for its efficient and well-organized airports, and "der Flughafen" is a common word used in everyday travel and tourism.

Example Sentences

  • Der Flughafen ist sehr groß. (The airport is very big.)
  • Wir treffen uns am Flughafen. (We are meeting at the airport.)

Memory Tips

  • "Flughafen" can be broken down into "Flug" (flight) and "Hafen" (port), which can help to remember that it means "airport" in German.
  • Associating the idea of a harbor for flights can help in recalling the meaning of "der Flughafen".

Additional Vocabulary

  • das Flugzeug (airplane)
  • die Ankunft (arrival)
  • der Abflug (departure)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

  • Gender: masculine
  • Plural: die Flughäfen

Conjugation (for verbs)

Not applicable.