
Meaning and Usage

"Kinder" is the German word for "children." It is commonly used to refer to a group of children or in the context of childhood in general.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Kinder" is a plural noun derived from the singular "Kind" which means "child." It does not have a prefix or suffix. The word has its roots in Middle High German and Old High German "kind" and is related to the English word "kind" in the sense of offspring or family.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Kinder" is similar to the English word "children" both in meaning and pronunciation.

Cultural Context

In German culture, there is a strong emphasis on the well-being of "Kinder" and family life. Germany is known for its family-oriented policies and events, reflecting the importance placed on children and their upbringing.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Kinder spielen im Garten. (The children are playing in the garden.)
  2. Die Lehrerin liest den Kindern eine Geschichte vor. (The teacher is reading a story to the children.)

Memory Tips

You can remember the word "Kinder" by associating it with the English word "children," as they have a very similar meaning and pronunciation.

Additional Vocabulary

  • das Kind (singular, neuter) - the child
  • die Jugendlichen - the teenagers
  • die Familie - the family

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

  • Gender: neuter
  • Plural: die Kinder

Conjugation (for verbs)

N/A (as "Kinder" is a noun)