
Meaning and Usage

"besuchen" means "to visit" or "to attend" in German. It is used when referring to visiting a person or a place, such as visiting a friend or attending a school.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "besuchen" is a verb and does not have a prefix or suffix. It is formed from the root "suchen" (to seek) with the prefix "be-" added to indicate the action of visiting.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "besuchen" directly translates to "to visit" or "to attend" in English. The usage is similar in both languages.

Cultural Context

In the context of family and social interactions, "besuchen" is a common and important word in German culture, as visiting friends and family is highly valued.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich besuche meine Großeltern am Wochenende. (I visit my grandparents on the weekend.)
  2. Sie besucht eine weiterführende Schule. (She attends a secondary school.)

Memory Tips

Associate "besuchen" with the English word "visit" and practice using the word in the context of visiting people and places to reinforce its meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

  • der Besuch (noun) - the visit
  • besuchbar (adjective) - visitable
  • die Besucherin (noun, feminine) - the visitor (female)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich besuche (I visit)
  • Du besuchst (You visit)
  • Er/Sie/Es besucht (He/She/It visits)
  • Wir besuchen (We visit)
  • Ihr besucht (You all visit)
  • Sie besuchen (They visit)