
Meaning and Usage

"Vergehen" can have different meanings depending on the context. It can mean "to pass" or "elapse" when referring to time. It can also mean "to fade away" or "to go by" when describing something that is diminishing or disappearing. Additionally, it can mean "to commit" when used in a legal context, such as "ein Vergehen begehen" (to commit an offense).

Linguistic Analysis

The word "vergehen" is a verb. It consists of the prefix "ver-" and the root "gehen" (to go). The prefix "ver-" often indicates a change or transformation of the original action. The word originates from the Middle High German "vergehen," which is a combination of "ver-" and "gehen."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "vergehen" shares some similarities with the English word "to go," but its various meanings and usages differ in certain contexts. Additionally, the prefix "ver-" can be compared to the English prefix "for-," as both indicate a change or transformation.

Cultural Context

In legal contexts, "Vergehen" refers to a misdemeanor or offense. Understanding the legal implications and consequences of specific "Vergehen" is important in the German legal system.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Zeit vergeht schnell. (Time passes quickly.)
  2. Die Farben sind im Sonnenlicht verblasst und vergehen langsam. (The colors have faded in the sunlight and are slowly diminishing.)
  3. Er hat ein schweres Vergehen begangen. (He has committed a serious offense.)

Memory Tips

To remember the different meanings of "vergehen," you can associate "vergehen" with the passage of time, the fading of colors, and legal offenses.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Zeit (feminine, plural: die Zeiten) - time
  • verbleichen - to fade, to whiten (similar to "vergehen" when describing colors fading)
  • das Vergehen (neuter, plural: die Vergehen) - offense, misdemeanor

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

N/A (since "vergehen" is a verb)

Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich vergehe (I pass/elapse/fade)
  • Du vergeh