
Meaning and Usage

"Ab" is a preposition in German that can have various meanings, including "from," "off," "about," "since," or "after," depending on the context.

Linguistic Analysis

"Ab" does not have a prefix or suffix. It comes from Middle High German and Old High German and is related to the Old English "of" and the Latin "ab" (away, from).

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "ab" is similar in meaning to several English prepositions such as "from," "off," "about," "since," or "after."

Cultural Context

In German, "ab" is often used in transport contexts to indicate departure times or destinations.

Example Sentences

  • Ich fliege am Montag ab. (I'm flying off on Monday.)
  • Das Konzert geht ab 19 Uhr los. (The concert starts at 7 pm.)

Memory Tips

Think of "ab" as something moving away from a point, such as a departure or something starting from a specific time.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Von (from)
  • Seit (since)
  • Nach (after)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)