der Absender

Meaning and Usage

"Der Absender" in German refers to the sender of a letter or a package. It is the person or entity who sends the item.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Absender" is a noun in German. It's composed of the prefix "ab-" indicating "from" and the root word "Senden" meaning "to send". The suffix "-er" is added to indicate a person related to the action.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Absender" in German directly translates to "sender" in English, indicating the person who sends something.

Cultural Context

In German-speaking countries, addressing and acknowledging the "Absender" when sending and receiving mail or packages is a common courtesy and a standard practice.

Example Sentences

  1. Der Absender dieser Lieferung ist die Firma Müller. (The sender of this delivery is the company Müller.)
  2. Bitte vergiss nicht, den Absender auf den Brief zu schreiben. (Please don't forget to write the sender on the letter.)

Memory Tips

To remember "der Absender," think of it as the "ab-sender," the one who sends something away.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Sendung (the shipment)
  • das Paket (the package)
  • das Postamt (the post office)

Gender and Plural

Since "der Absender" is a masculine noun, the plural form is "die Absender."


Not applicable as "der Absender" is a noun.