
Meaning and Usage

"Problem" in German translates to "problem" in English. It refers to a matter or a situation that is difficult and poses a challenge or difficulty to solve or deal with.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "problem" in German does not have any prefixes, roots, or suffixes. It comes from the Latin word "problema" and has been adopted into the German language.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "problem" is very similar in both German and English, both in terms of spelling and meaning.

Cultural Context

The concept of a "problem" is universal, and the word "problem" is used in a similar context in both German-speaking and English-speaking cultures.

Example Sentences

  1. Das ist ein ernsthaftes Problem. (That is a serious problem.)
  2. Ich habe ein Problem mit meinem Auto. (I have a problem with my car.)

Memory Tips

To remember the word "Problem," you can associate it with a situation or matter that poses a challenge or difficulty.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: Schwierigkeit (difficulty), Herausforderung (challenge)
  • Antonyms: Lösung (solution), Erfolg (success)

Gender and Plural

Gender: neuter Plural: Probleme


N/A (since "problem" is a noun)