
Meaning and Usage

"Realen" is not a standalone word in German. It appears to be an inflected form of the adjective "real" to match a specific gender, number, or case.

Linguistic Analysis

"Realen" could be the plural form or dative case of the adjective "real." However, in its current state, it is not a complete word without further context.

Comparisons between German and English

The adjective "real" in German is similar to the English word "real" in terms of meaning and usage, but there is no exact equivalent for the inflected form "realen" in English.

Example Sentences

  1. Die realen Probleme müssen gelöst werden. (The real problems need to be solved.)
  2. Wir helfen den realen Bedürfnissen der Menschen. (We are addressing the real needs of the people.)

Memory Tips

As "realen" may be an inflected form, it's best to remember it within complete phrases or sentences to understand its usage in context.

Additional Vocabulary

Related words: realistisch (realistic), Wirklichkeit (reality), authentisch (authentic)