
Meaning and Usage

"Vorbei" in German means "over" or "past" and is commonly used to indicate that something has ended or finished.

Linguistic Analysis

"Vorbei" is an adverb and can also be used as a separable verb prefix, such as in "vorbeigehen" (to pass by) or "vorbeifahren" (to drive past). It is a combination of the prefix "vor-" (before) and "bei" (at).

Comparisons between German and English

The word "vorbei" has similar meanings to the English words "over", "past", or "finished".

Cultural Context

In German culture, "vorbei" can be used to express the conclusion of an event or the passing of a certain time period.

Example Sentences

  1. Der Zug ist vorbei. (The train is gone.)
  2. Die Party ist vorbei. (The party is over.)
  3. Wir sind am Haus vorbeigegangen. (We passed by the house.)

Memory Tips

Associate "vorbei" with the English expression "over and done" to remember its meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: beendet (finished), vergangen (passed), abgeschlossen (completed)
  • Antonyms: anwesend (present), bevorstehend (upcoming), nah (near)

Gender and Plural

"Vorbei" is an adverb and does not have a gender or plural form.


As an adverb, "vorbei" does not have a conjugation. However, as a separable verb prefix, it can be combined with various verbs in different tenses. For example, "Ich gehe vorbei" (I am passing by), "Sie ist vorbeigefahren" (She drove past).