der Ausgang

Meaning and Usage

"Der Ausgang" in German means "the exit" in English. It refers to the point or door through which one leaves a building, room, or enclosed space.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Ausgang" is a compound noun in German, composed of the prefix "aus-" meaning "out" and the noun "Gang" meaning "walk" or "passage." This etymology explains the literal meaning of "Ausgang" as the way out or the outward passage.

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "Ausgang" is similar to the English word "exit," as both refer to the point of departure or the way out.

Cultural Context

In Germany, signs indicating "Ausgang" can be commonly seen in public buildings, transportation stations, and other public venues to direct people to the exits in case of emergencies.

Example Sentences

  • Der Ausgang ist auf der linken Seite. (The exit is on the left side.)
  • Bitte benutzen Sie einen anderen Ausgang. (Please use a different exit.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Ausgang" with the English word "exit." Visualize the "AUSgang" sign as you exit a building to reinforce the connection.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Tür (door)
  • Verlassen (to leave)
  • Entkommen (to escape)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

  • Gender: masculine
  • Plural: die Ausgänge

Conjugation (for verbs)