
Meaning and Usage

"Geschrieben" is the past participle of the German verb "schreiben," meaning "to write." It is used to express the action of writing something in the past.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "geschrieben" is formed by adding the prefix "ge-" to the root verb "schrieben" and combining it with the past participle ending "-en." The root verb "schreiben" has its origin in Middle High German "schriben," which is derived from Old High German "scriban."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "geschrieben" is similar to the English past participle "written," which is derived from the verb "write."

Cultural Context

In German culture, writing is highly valued, and the language places a strong emphasis on grammar and spelling.

Example Sentences

  1. Er hat einen Brief geschrieben. (He has written a letter.)
  2. Sie hat gestern ein Gedicht geschrieben. (She wrote a poem yesterday.)
  3. Die Geschichte wurde von vielen Autoren geschrieben. (The story was written by many authors.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "geschrieben," think of the English past participle "written" and associate it with the act of writing.

Additional Vocabulary

  • schreiben (verb) - to write
  • der Brief (noun) - the letter
  • das Gedicht (noun) - the poem

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)