die Anzeige, -n

Meaning and Usage

"Die Anzeige" in German refers to an advertisement, a notice, or an announcement. It can also mean a display in the context of electronic devices.

Linguistic Analysis

"Die Anzeige" is a feminine noun in German. It is derived from the verb "anzeigen," which means "to display" or "to announce."

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "Anzeige" is similar to the English word "advertisement" in terms of meaning, both referring to a notice or announcement.

Cultural Context

Advertisements and public notices are an integral part of German culture, and "Anzeigen" can be found in various forms, such as in newspapers, on the internet, and on public billboards.

Example Sentences

  • Die Anzeige in der Zeitung hat viele Leute auf das Angebot aufmerksam gemacht. (The advertisement in the newspaper caught the attention of many people to the offer.)

  • Auf dem Bildschirm erschien eine Anzeige für das neue Produkt. (An advertisement for the new product appeared on the screen.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Anzeige" with the English word "advertisement", focusing on the idea of noticing or displaying information.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Werbung (advertisement)
  • der Hinweis (notice, hint)
  • die Ankündigung (announcement)
  • die Mitteilung (message)

Gender and Plural

  • Gender: feminine
  • Plural: die Anzeigen


Not applicable as "Anzeige" is a noun.