
Meaning and Usage

"Würde" can be translated to "would" in English and is often used to form the conditional tense in German. It can also express a polite request or suggestion.

Linguistic Analysis

"Würde" is the subjunctive form of the verb "werden" (to become). It can also function as an auxiliary verb to form the conditional tense.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "würde" has a direct translation in English as "would," used in similar conditional and hypothetical contexts.

Cultural Context

In German, using the conditional form with "würde" is important for polite requests and expressing hypothetical or desired outcomes in a polite manner.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich würde gern ins Kino gehen. (I would like to go to the cinema.)
  2. Würdest du mir bitte helfen? (Would you please help me?)

Memory Tips

Remember "würde" as the German equivalent of "would" in English, used in similar conditional and hypothetical situations.

Additional Vocabulary

Related words: die Möglichkeit (the possibility), die Bedingung (the condition), die Bitte (the request)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)