
Meaning and Usage

"Abholen" in German means "to pick up" in English. It is commonly used when referring to picking up a person or an object from a certain location.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "abholen" is a combination of the prefix "ab-" indicating a direction away from something, and the verb "holen" which means "to fetch". The verb "holen" itself is derived from the Old High German word "holōn".

Comparisons between German and English

The English equivalent of "abholen" is "to pick up", which has a similar meaning and usage.

Cultural Context

In a cultural context, "abholen" is frequently used in the context of appointments, meetings, or picking up someone from a specific location, such as the airport or train station.

Example Sentences

  • Ich werde dich morgen vom Flughafen abholen. (I will pick you up from the airport tomorrow.)
  • Kannst du das Paket von der Post abholen? (Can you pick up the package from the post office?)

Memory Tips

Associate "abholen" with the idea of "fetching away" as a memory aid for its meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Abholung (noun, feminine) - the pickup
  • abgeholt (past participle) - picked up

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich hole ab (I pick up)
  • Du holst ab (You pick up)
  • Er/sie/es holt ab (He/she/it picks up)
  • Wir holen ab (We pick up)
  • Ihr holt ab (You pick up)
  • Sie holen ab (They pick up)