
Meaning and Usage

"Reise" in German means "journey" or "trip". It refers to the act of traveling from one place to another, typically for leisure, work, or exploration.

Linguistic Analysis

"Reise" is a feminine noun in German. It doesn't have a prefix, and its root is "reis", derived from the Middle High German word "reise" or "rise". The word has been used in the German language for many centuries.

Comparisons between German and English

Both "Reise" in German and "journey" or "trip" in English are used to denote the act of traveling from one place to another. The term "Reise" is similar to "journey" in emphasizing the experience of traveling, while also encompassing the idea of a trip or excursion.

Cultural Context

Germany is known for its love of travel and exploration, and "die Reise" is an essential part of German culture. The concept of "Wanderlust" (a strong desire to travel) is deeply ingrained in the German culture, making the word "Reise" quite significant.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich mache gerne eine Reise in ferne Länder.
  2. Die Reise nach Paris war wunderschön.
  3. Sie planen eine Geschäftsreise nach Frankfurt.

Memory Tips

Think of "Reise" as the German word for "travel" or "journey". You can associate it with the idea of a relaxing trip or adventurous exploration.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Reiseleitung (the tour guide)
  • das Reiseziel (the travel destination)
  • reisen (to travel)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

Gender: feminine Plural: die Reisen

Conjugation (for verbs)

The verb "reisen" conjugated in the present tense:

  • ich reise (I travel)
  • du reist (you travel)
  • er/sie/es reist (he/she/it travels)
  • wir reisen (we travel)
  • ihr reist (you (plural) travel)
  • sie reisen (they travel)