
Meaning and Usage

"Wirkung" in German means "effect" or "impact." It is often used to describe the result or influence of something, such as the effect of a medicine, the impact of a decision, or the impression of a person.

Linguistic Analysis

"Wirkung" is a noun and doesn't have any prefixes or suffixes. It comes from the Middle High German word "wirkinge," which is derived from the Old High German "wirken," meaning "to work" or "to have an effect."

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "Wirkung" has a similar meaning to its English counterpart "effect" or "impact."

Cultural Context

In German-speaking countries, the concept of "Wirkung" is important in various contexts, such as in medicine, psychology, and business, where the effects and impacts of actions and decisions are carefully considered.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Wirkung dieser Medizin ist sehr stark. (The effect of this medicine is very strong.)
  2. Seine Rede hatte eine starke Wirkung auf das Publikum. (His speech had a strong impact on the audience.)
  3. Die Wirkung von Werbung auf das Kaufverhalten ist gut erforscht. (The impact of advertising on purchasing behavior is well researched.)

Memory Tips

To remember the word "Wirkung," you can associate it with the English word "working" since they share a similar root and meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Auswirkung (consequence)
  • Der Einfluss (influence)
  • Die Folge (result)

Gender and Plural

"Wirkung" is a feminine noun, and its plural form is "Wirkungen."
