
Meaning and Usage

"Gesellschaft" in German refers to society or a social community. It can also mean a company or corporation. It is used to discuss various aspects of society, social interactions, and organizations.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Gesellschaft" is a noun. It consists of the prefix "Ge-" which indicates a collective or collaborative concept, and the root "-sellschaft" which comes from the Middle High German word "geselscaf" and means "companionship" or "association."

Comparisons between German and English

The English word "society" is similar in meaning to "Gesellschaft." Both words refer to the community of people living in a particular region, forming an organized group with shared customs, laws, and organizations.

Cultural Context

In German culture, the concept of "Gesellschaft" holds a significant place as it reflects the social, political, and economic dynamics of the country. It is a term often used in discussions about sociology, politics, and everyday life.

Example Sentences

  • Die deutsche Gesellschaft ist vielfältig und multikulturell. (The German society is diverse and multicultural.)
  • In unserer Gesellschaft spielen soziale Medien eine immer größere Rolle. (In our society, social media is playing an increasingly important role.)

Memory Tips

Think of "Gesellschaft" as a combination of "Ge-" (which can indicate a collective concept) and "-sellschaft" (which sounds like "society" in English).

Additional Vocabulary

  • Sozial (social)
  • Gemeinschaft (community)
  • Unternehmen (company)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

"Gesellschaft" is a feminine noun. The plural form is "Gesellschaften."

Conjugation (for verbs)