
Meaning and Usage

"Schmecken" in German means "to taste" or "to be tasty". It is used to describe the act of perceiving flavors through the sense of taste or to express whether something tastes good or bad.

Linguistic Analysis

"Schmecken" is a verb. It can be traced back to the Middle High German word "smëcken", which means "to taste". It is related to the Old High German word "smëc" which means "taste" or "flavor".

Comparisons between German and English

In this context, "schmecken" is similar to the English verb "to taste" but also encompasses the sense of whether something is tasty or not, which is expressed by "to be tasty" or "to be delicious" in English.

Cultural Context

Germans take their food seriously, and the verb "schmecken" is vital in expressing their opinions about food. It is often used in conversations about meals, dishes, and culinary experiences.

Example Sentences

  • Dieser Kuchen schmeckt köstlich. (This cake tastes delicious.)
  • Wie schmeckt dir die Suppe? (How does the soup taste to you?)

Memory Tips

Associate "schmecken" with the English word "smack" as in "smack your lips" to remember its meaning related to tasting.

Additional Vocabulary

  • lecker (delicious)
  • der Geschmack (the taste)
  • probieren (to try, to taste)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich schmecke (I taste)
  • du schmeckst (you taste)
  • er/sie/es schmeckt (he/she/it tastes)
  • wir schmecken (we taste)
  • ihr schmeckt (you plural taste)
  • sie schmecken (they taste)