
Meaning and Usage

"leben" translates to "to live" in English. It is an action verb used to express the state of being alive or engaging in life activities.

Linguistic Analysis

"leben" is a regular verb with the infinitive form "leben." It has its roots in the Middle High German word "lēben," which originated from the Old High German word "lebēn."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "leben" corresponds to the English verb "to live" and is used similarly to express the act of being alive and experiencing life.

Cultural Context

"leben" holds a central place in philosophical, cultural, and everyday contexts in German, reflecting the significance of life, vitality, and existence in German society.

Example Sentences

  1. Sie will in einer großen Stadt leben. (She wants to live in a big city.)
  2. Er lebt ein gesundes Leben. (He leads a healthy life.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "leben," think of the English phrase "live and let live" as an association with being alive and allowing others to live as well.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Related words: Lebensstil (lifestyle), Lebensfreude (joy of living)
  • Synonyms: existieren, überleben (exist, survive)
  • Antonyms: sterben, tot sein (die, be dead)

Conjugation (for verbs)

Present tense conjugation:

  • ich lebe (I live)
  • du lebst (you live)
  • er/sie/es lebt (he/she/it lives)
  • wir leben (we live)
  • ihr lebt (you live - plural)
  • sie leben (they live)