die Rezeption

Meaning and Usage

Die Rezeption in German means "reception" in English. It can refer to various types of reception, such as a hotel reception, front desk, or office reception area.

Linguistic Analysis

"Die Rezeption" is a feminine noun. It is derived from the verb "empfangen" (to receive), with the prefix "re-" indicating a repetition or back action.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "reception" in English and "Rezeption" in German share the same root and have a similar meaning, making them cognates.

Cultural Context

In the context of a hotel, "die Rezeption" is where guests check in and out, get information, and ask for assistance during their stay. In an office setting, it's the area where visitors and clients are received.

Example Sentences

  • Ich werde an der Rezeption auf dich warten. (I will wait for you at the reception.)
  • Sie ging zur Rezeption, um nach einem freien Zimmer zu fragen. (She went to the reception to ask for a vacant room.)

Memory Tips

Associate "die Rezeption" with the English word "reception" and imagine the reception area of a hotel or office to reinforce the meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Hotelrezeption (hotel reception)
  • die Bürorezeption (office reception)
  • der Empfang (reception)

Gender and Plural

Gender: feminine Plural: die Rezeptionen
