
Meaning and Usage

  • ich = I

Common Usage:

  1. "Ich bin müde." = "I am tired."

Linguistic Analysis

"Ich" is the first-person singular subject pronoun in German. It stems from Old High German and Middle High German.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "ich" corresponds to "I" in English, functioning as the subject pronoun for the first person singular.

Cultural Context

"Ich" is a fundamental and frequently used pronoun in German, as it represents the individual self.

Example Sentences

  1. "Ich habe Hunger." = "I am hungry."
  2. "Ich mag das nicht." = "I don't like that."

Memory Tips

Rember that "ich" means "I" in German by associating the similar sounds of the two words.

Additional Vocabulary

Related words: mich (me), mir (to me), mein (my), mir (to me)