das Telefon

Meaning and Usage

"Das Telefon" in German means "the telephone" or "the phone." It refers to the device used for making and receiving calls.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Telefon" comes from the Greek word "tele," meaning "far off," and the word "phon," meaning "voice" or "sound." It is a neuter noun in German, and its plural is "die Telefone."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Telefon" in German is similar to its English counterpart "telephone" in both meaning and usage.

Cultural Context

Germany is known for its engineering and technological advancements, and the country has a long history of innovation in the field of telecommunications. Telecommunications and telephony are an integral part of German society and culture.

Example Sentences

  1. Das Telefon klingelt. (The telephone is ringing.)
  2. Bitte ruf mich auf meinem Telefon an. (Please call me on my phone.)

Memory Tips

Link the word "Telefon" to the English word "telephone" and associate it with the action of making calls or receiving calls.

Additional Vocabulary

  • der Anruf (call)
  • die Telefonnummer (telephone number)
  • telefonieren (to make a phone call)

Gender and Plural

  • Gender: neuter
  • Plural: die Telefone


N/A - "Telefon" is a noun and does not have a conjugation.