
Meaning and Usage

The word "die" has multiple meanings in German. It can function as the definite article "the" for plural feminine nouns or as the plural form of the demonstrative pronoun "das" (that/those).

Linguistic Analysis

The word "die" can be the definite article for plural feminine nouns or the plural form of the demonstrative pronoun "das." It has no prefix or suffix. Its etymology can be traced back to the Old High German "diu," the Middle High German "diu," and the Middle Low German "dê," all meaning "the" or "that."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "die" functions as the English definite article "the" for plural feminine nouns or as the plural form of the demonstrative pronoun "that/those."

Example Sentences

  1. Die Bücher sind interessant. (The books are interesting.)
  2. Ich mag die Farbe von den Schuhen. (I like the color of those shoes.)

Memory Tips

Associate "die" with the English "the" for plural feminine nouns, and practice using it with various nouns to remember its usage.

Additional Vocabulary

Related words: der (the, masculine), das (the, neuter), die (the, feminine) Synonyms: jene (those), diese (these)

Gender: Feminine Plural: die