(sich) duschen

Meaning and Usage

"(sich) duschen" means "to shower" in German. The reflexive pronoun "sich" indicates that the action is being done to oneself, so it's used when talking about showering oneself.

Linguistic Analysis

"(sich) duschen" is a reflexive verb. The root of the verb is "dusch-" and the suffix "-en" indicates the infinitive form of the verb. The reflexive pronoun "sich" is added to the verb to show that the action is being performed on oneself.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "duschen" in German is directly related to the English word "shower," indicating a similarity between the two languages.

Cultural Context

In Germany, showering is a part of daily hygiene, and it's common for many people to take a shower in the morning.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich dusche jeden Morgen. (I shower every morning.)
  2. Er hat sich gestern Abend geduscht. (He showered last night.)

Memory Tips

Associate "duschen" with the English word "shower" to remember its meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Dusche (f) - the shower
  • Duschkopf (m) - shower head
  • Baden (to bathe) - while "duschen" specifically refers to showering, "baden" is used for taking a bath instead.

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich dusche (I shower)
  • Du duschst (You shower)
  • Er/sie/es duscht (He/she/it showers)
  • Wir duschen (We shower)
  • Ihr duscht (You all shower)
  • Sie duschen (They/you formal shower)