(sich) freuen

Meaning and Usage

"(sich) freuen" means "to be glad" or "to be happy" in German. It is often used to express joy or pleasure about something.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "freuen" is a reflexive verb, and when used with "sich" it indicates that the subject is performing the action on themselves. The word "freuen" does not have a prefix or suffix, it is derived from the Old High German word "frōēn."

Comparisons between German and English

The English equivalent for "(sich) freuen" is "to be glad" or "to be happy." The structure of the verb is similar in both languages, as it is used reflexively in German and can also be used with a reflexive pronoun in English.

Cultural Context

Expressing joy and happiness is an essential part of interpersonal communication in German-speaking cultures, and "(sich) freuen" is a commonly used expression in daily conversations.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich freue mich, dich zu sehen. (I'm glad to see you.)
  2. Sie freut sich über das Geschenk. (She is happy about the gift.)

Memory Tips

Associate "freuen" with the feeling of joy, and remember that when used with "sich," it signifies the action is done to oneself.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Freude (noun) - joy, happiness
  • froh (adjective) - glad, happy
  • glücklich (adjective) - happy, content

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich freue mich (I am glad)
  • du freust dich (you are glad)
  • er/sie/es freut sich (he/she/it is glad)
  • wir freuen uns (we are glad)
  • ihr freut euch (you are glad)
  • sie freuen sich (they are glad)